Online Short Courses
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Online Self-paced Courses
Home / Online Self-paced Short Courses
Focused on providing the latest legislation and the most accurate calculations, our online self-paced training develops acute knowledge for payroll professionals across varying levels.
Payroll Essentials Self-Paced Course
This course is suitable for individuals who have some basic payroll knowledge or for those who want to update their knowledge due to the many changes in legislation. The course covers the essential areas of payroll that you will need to know to process a payroll on a day to day basis and ensure that you up to date with the latest legislation.
Delivered online through our self-paced learning platform, this course offers opportunities for interaction with experienced trainers and includes a variety of practical exercises.
Our online self-paced course give you 3 months to complete the material at your own pace.
Member discounts apply
Price: $795.00
At the end of this course, learners will:
- Have an understanding of the Australian Industrial Relations system, including the difference types of employment, minimum wages and how modern awards and agreements are used
- Know how to apply the 12 National Employment Standards
- Have knowledge of, and be able to calculate, leave entitlements such as annual leave, personal/carers leave, compassionate leave, parental leave, community service leave and the basics of long service leave
- Know the public holiday requirements for working or not working on a public holiday
- Understand the PAYG Withholding tax system and how to calculate withholding on regular payments and also lump sum payments such as backpays and bonuses/commissions
- Know how to tax basic termination pays, such as the marginal rate tax calculation on leave payments on termination
- Have an understanding of different pay components such as allowances, employer obligations for deductions from an employees’ pay, and how to correctly process overpayments
- Know the legal requirements of payslips and record keeping obligations
- Have introductory knowledge of superannuation, including the meaning of Ordinary Time Earnings, minimum payment obligations and salary sacrifice contributions
Price: $795.00
Advanced Payroll Self-paced
This course is suitable for individuals who have had several years’ experience in the payroll profession and want to ensure their knowledge of complex payroll legislation and calculations is up to date.
Delivered online through our self-paced learning platform, this course offers opportunities for interaction with experienced trainers and includes a variety of practical exercises.
Our online self-paced course give you 3 months to complete the material at your own pace.
Member discounts apply
Price: $795.00
At the end of this course, learners will:
- Have up to date knowledge of long service leave rules for the 8 states and territories, including the entitlement to LSL and how to determine the rate of pay for a period of LSL
- Know each of the elements which can make up a termination pay
- Understand how to tax and report redundancies
- Know what an Employment Termination Payment (ETP) is and how to tax and report an ETP, including any tax-free components
- Know how to use the ETP Cap and Whole of Income Cap when taxing ETPs
- Understand employer obligations under the Superannuation Guarantee Administration Act and the penalties for non-compliance
- Have a comprehensive knowledge of superannuation including complexities in Ordinary Time Earnings and the maximum contribution base
- Understand the impact of salary sacrifice arrangements and Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions (RESC)
- Have knowledge of the basics of Payroll Tax, including what is included as salary and wages, the payroll tax thresholds and rates for each state and territory, and how employing in multiple jurisdictions can impact payroll tax
Price: $795.00
Workers Compensation for Payroll Self-Paced Course
This course is suitable for individuals who are responsible for making workers compensation payments to employees. The course works through all the areas of workers compensation from a payroll perspective and will bring you up to date with the latest state and federal legislation that will impact workers compensation.
Delivered online through our self-paced learning platform, this course offers opportunities for interaction with experienced trainers and includes a variety of practical exercises.
Our online self-paced course give you 3 months to complete the material at your own pace.
Member discounts apply
Price: $695.00
At the end of this course, learners will:
Have an understanding of the Workers Compensation legislation in each state and territory, including employer and employee responsibilities
Be able to determine the rates of pay for workers compensation for each state and territory
Be able to determine if they have additional workers compensation obligations under Industrial Instruments
Know how to calculate superannuation on workers compensation
Know how to accrue and process other leave types while an employee is on workers compensation
Understand their Payroll Tax obligations for workers compensation
Have the knowledge to correctly report workers compensation through STP
Have a basic understanding of the workers compensation wage declaration process
Price: $695.00
STP Phase 2 What we have learnt so far - Recording
Watch Jasmine Fernance, Head of Consulting at Australian Payroll Association, as she explores our STP Phase 2 learnings so far.
Have you read the Employer Guide and are still unsure about the practical application of the reporting requirements? Jasmine will cover the aspects of STP Phase 2 reporting where we see the most common errors and where we get the most questions.
Our online self-paced course give you 3 months to complete the material at your own pace.
Member discounts apply
Price: $425.00
What you will receive:
- 3 hours of STP2 content
- Copy of materials
- Your questions answered
This course is suitable for:
- Employers who have already transitioned to STP and want to re-affirm their reporting is correct
- Employers currently transitioning to STP
- Employers who are yet to transition to STP and want to be prepared in advance
It is recommended that attendees have familiarity with the basic obligations of STP Phase 2 reporting prior to watching this session.
Date: Anytime
Delivery: Via our online learning portal
Price: $425.00
Industry first Assessment Tool to accurately test the technical competency of all payroll staff.
Price: $625.00
Suited to test both prospective candidates and your existing payroll team regardless of experience.
The test comprises 35 multiple choice questions and is expected to take a payroll professional 20-30 minutes to complete. The results you receive will include a raw score plus a weighted score which takes into consideration the time taken to complete the test.
This means you can get an accurate gauge of technical knowledge without the use of external resources.
Discounts apply for 3+ tests. Member discounts apply.
Price: $625.00
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