On Wednesday of last week, Australian Payroll Association hosted another Members webinar as part of our ongoing series, “Creating Confidence in How People Are Paid.” This series aims to facilitate connections between our members and the latest advancements in payroll technology, emerging trends, and valuable insights that can provide support to the payroll community. You can watch the recording here.
Our second webinar in the series focused on presenting key findings from the 2023 Australian Payroll Survey. The survey shed light on the mounting pressure faced by payroll professionals, which has resulted in burnout and negatively impacted their overall wellbeing. By highlighting these trends and challenges, our goal was to create awareness and initiate conversations around addressing these issues in the payroll industry.
The webinar served as a platform for participants to gain valuable insights into the current landscape of payroll, understand the factors contributing to increased pressure, and explore potential solutions to mitigate burnout and promote better well-being among payroll professionals.
Through these webinars, we aim to empower the Australian Payroll Community with knowledge, tools, and resources to navigate the ever-evolving payroll landscape. By addressing critical issues like burnout and wellbeing, we strive to foster a supportive community and ensure the continued success and growth of payroll professionals.
We look forward to hosting more webinars as part of the “Creating Confidence in How People Are Paid” series and providing our members with further opportunities to connect, learn, and thrive in the payroll industry.